Friday, July 21, 2006


Keep your head up. Those are good words of advice for anyone. Especially for a photographer.

My dad would tell me as a child, "Don't run with your hands in your pockets." I forgot his advice until about eight years ago when I fell with my hands in my pockets and broke the face of my watch. A few scratches on my arms and a bruised ego helped remind me of my father's sage words.

I caught this shot of the canadian flag while heading to my last photo assignment of the day. One I wasn't looking forward to all that much -- a lacrosse game. You know the fans must be dedicated when you walk into the arena and are overcome with the damp, smell of sweat hanging in the air. Yuck! As the lyrics of our national anthem state, "We stand on guard for thee." Maybe those sweaty teenage lacrosse players could make a few extra passes with a stick of 'right guard'.

Smell 'ya later -- EAG

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