Wednesday, August 16, 2006

"I'll be doggoned..."

What is it with some people and their pooches?

I can just imagine dog owners working their pets into a frenzy with phrases like, 'let's go for a car ride, here boy... coffee-time, Starbucks.'
The poor mutt probably is doing circles around the car in anticipation of a chocolate-coated doggie biscuit with a half-cafe double mocha venti iced latte.

You can't tell me the poor bassett hound doesn't realize how silly he looks -- even if the ear muffler does have a useful purpose at dog shows.

But pink booties on a poodle. Nutty. Don't you think?

Gone are the days when the term "poop and scoop" meant you pumped out septic tanks for a living. -- EAG

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Dad! I loev what your blog spot has turned into, its awesome. Can't wait to see you when i get back from camp!